Meet Tabbatha Daniels

Tabbetha Daniels is a person in long-term Recovery and has been a  Peer Recovery Coach at Walton Empowers since January 2023. She began receiving services from Walton Empowers upon her release from prison in January 2022. During her time in the Criminal Justice System, she aided the counselors in recovery groups and classes. She realized that she had a passion for supporting those in and seeking the recovery lifestyle. With the support of her family and Walton Empowers, she is now a Certified Addiction Recovery Empowerment Specialist, Certified Peer Specialist for Addictive Disease, and Forensic Peer Mentor. She has a supporting family who is also in long-term Recovery and is a single mom of two wonderful girls. She is on Walton County’s Domestic Violence Task Force and an active member of her church and Celebrate Recovery.